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Low Achievement Early in School

December 1, 2004 |

Investigating Factors Associated with Low Achievement Early in School: A Pilot Study

by Kevin S. Sutherland and Donna Jovanovich (December 2004)

The purpose of the current study were to (a) examine the relationship between academic achievement and social competence in a sample of kindergarten and first grade students, and (b) investigate the interventions their teachers are using with low achieving students. Sixty kindergarten and first grade students and 15 teachers participated in this study. Results indicated significant differences between low achieving and typically achieving students on reading achievement and teacher reported academic competence. No other significant difference between groups were found. Teachers reported that they most often use explicit instruction with low achieving students; evidence-based practices such as data-based decision making the peer tutoring were not reported as being primary instructional practices. Limitations of the current study and implications for practice are discussed.

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