14th Annual MERC Conference
Public Education at a Crossroads: Connecting Voices of Research, Policy, and Practice in a Changing World
October 17th, 2017
Check out select photos below and
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Since the beginning of public education in our country, advocates have argued that schools are critical to the success of our national economy; are the central mechanism for individual social and economic mobility; and provide the foundational knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for informed citizenship within our multicultural democracy. We are currently in a moment of rapid political and social change in our country that raises questions about the form and function of public schools. This calls for a reconsideration of the goals of public education in the current context.
The 14th Annual MERC Conference is designed to provide a space for key stakeholders across public education to share ideas and present work directly related to this theme. The conference will include an opening plenary discussion on the theme, a series of interactive sessions that address critical topics in PK12 education, and opportunities throughout the day for networking and connecting to ongoing projects.
The 14th Annual MERC Conference featured 14 sessions. Click on the session descriptions below to learn more and click on a the names of presenters to contact them.
Achieving Racial Equity in School Disciplinary Policies and Practices
Jesse Senechal, Ashlee Lester, Rachel Levy (VCU), Marcie Terry (VSU)
Conversations at the Crossroads: Cultivating Critical Dispositions to Promote Cultural Diversity
Julie Gorlewski, Hillary Parkhouse, Tami Sober, Ashlee Lester, and Zoey Lu (VCU)
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Intervention in Urban Schools
Ram Bhagat, Kiran Bhagat, Sydney Collier (Armstrong Freshman Academy-RPS), Evandra Catherine (VCU)
Cultural Diversity and English Learners
Brenda Russ and Laura Faulcon (CCPS)
Implications of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Lynn Sodat (VDOE), Jeremy Raley, EdD (GCPS), Bryan Shelly (CCPS),
Joshua Taylor, and Samantha Hope (VCU)
Innovative Learning
Erin Anthony and Brett Chonko (CCPS), Marcie Walsh (VCU)
Policies and Practices for English Learners
Melissa Cuba and Josh Martinez (VCU), Brenda Russ and Carolyn Waters (CCPS)
Research Use in Schools
Jessica Mislevy (SRI International), Tinkhani White, Autumn Nabors, Derek Wasnock,
Janet Garland, Lisa Micou, Patty Fox (CCPS), and Lisa Abrams (VCU)
Rethinking Student Discipline and Intervention
William Noel Sr. (Henrico Public Schools), JoAna Smith (CCPS)
School, Family, and Community Collaboration
Amanda Hall, Kim McKnight (VCU), Mike Hasley,
Maggie Nuckols (Henrico County Public Schools)
Supporting STEM in Schools Through Research and Professional Development
Elizabeth Edmondson (VISTA/ELIS), Melissa Cuba (VCU), Amy Cotten (CCPS),
Krishan Agrawal (CHPS and VSU)
Supporting Teachers in High Needs Schools
Tami Sober, Terry Dozier, Brian Condit, Brittany Jones (RTR, VCU, RPS),
Jamie Stacy, and Jaime Schlais-Barnes (CCPS)
Teacher Morale and Professionalism
Kimberly Bowman, Brionna Nomi, and Jesse Senechal (VCU)
Who Gets to Go to College? Exploring Access in the Commonwealth
Kate Daly, David Naff (VCU), Paula Robinson (SCHEV),
and Charleita Richardson (Partnership for the Future)
Morning Panel
Scott Barlow - RPS
As a son, grandson, nephew and great grandson of public education teachers, as well as a graduate of the public school system, Scott Barlow currently serves as the School Board Representative for the second district in Richmond, Virginia.
Josh Bearman - RPS
Entering his fifth year as a teacaher of record for Lucille Brown Middle School, Josh Bearman does all that he can to make learning real for his students. Whether he is taking them down to the James River for what he describes as "good old fashioned, hands-on-learning," or bringing his banjo to class, his is committed to his craft.
Tameshia rimes, PhD - CCPS
As the Director of Equity and Student Support Services for Chesterfield County Public Schools, Tameshia Grimes supervises CCPS leaders in the areas of school counseling, school psychology, school social work, student health, Title III, Early Childhood Special Education, Head Start, Virginia Preschool Initiative and the Virginia Preschool Initiative Expansion and alternative education.
Kurt Stehagen, PhD - VCU
As a researcher in the School of Education at Virginia Commonwealth University and an advocate for teachers in the metropolitan Richmond area, Kurt focuses on current issues in public education and their local implications. He also works with Richmond Teachers for Social Justice, a collection of local educators focused on issues of justice and equity in our public schools.
Afternoon Panel
Tracey Broyles - CCPS
As a junior at Monacan High School, Trace Broyles is highly invested in promoting student empowerment. He serves on the steering Committee for the 2018 VHSL Ken Tilley Student Leaders Conference at Monacan.
Alexis Goode - VSU/RPS
Alexis is a freshman at Virginia State University studying pre-veterinary science and a former graduate of George Wythe High School. She recently received the College Access Scholarship sponsored by VA529, SCHEV, and MERC.
Lauren Grov - HCPS (Henrico)
As a senior in the Specialty Center for Education and Human Development at Glen Allen High School, Lauren serves students of varying levels of performance in local elementary and middle schools.
Asia Jefferson - RPS
As a senior at Armstrong High School, Asis Jefferson served as the president of her junior class, participated in the Samuel D Proctor Conference on Social Injustices, and supported local efforts to address food deserts in Richmond.