Abstract is the podcast of the Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium. It features roundtable discussions with MERC study team members, interviews with stakeholders from our partnering school divisions, and much more. Stay tuned as we explore issues and ideas in public PK-12 education.
Available on the following platforms
Exploring Perceptions of Advanced Coursework Enrollment Practices: A Multiple Case Study
What are trends, challenges, and evidence-based strategies for school dropout prevention?
Understanding the Virginia Literacy Act
What is the role of out-of-school time providers in urban school systems in a post-COVID context?
Understanding Work-Based Learning in Virginia
In this episode we spoke with Alisha Bazemore (Assistant Director of Innovative Work-Based Learning Initiatives for V-TOP), Ashley Crute (Associate for Innovative Work-Based Learning Initiatives for V-TOP), and Amy Corning (Senior Research Associate, VCU Institute for Collaborative Research and Evaluation) about a recent report from the ICRE and MERC about work-based learning (WBL) in institutions of higher education and PK-12 school systems. Throughout the conversation we discussed how the findings resonate with work-based learning in Virginia, specifically through the work of the Virginia Talent + Opportunity Partnership (V-TOP). The report was produced in partnership with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).
Addressing School Bullying Since the Onset of COVID-19
In this episode, we spoke with Christina Alga (High School Counselor in Hanover County Public Schools), Alicia Gaston (Founder of Maximizing Character), and Kim Dupre (Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports Coach) about research-based strategies for addressing school bullying since the onset of COVID-19. Throughout the discussion we reflected on findings from the MERC research and policy brief focused on school bullying prevention.
What does the data show about advanced coursework participation across K-12 education?
Who gets identified as gifted in elementary school? Who takes Algebra I in middle school? Who takes Advanced Placement classes in high school? In this episode we spoke with Andrea Herndon (Hanover County Public Schools), Beverly Fludd-Flanagan (Petersburg City Public Schools), and Chris Parthemos (Virginia Commonwealth University) about two new dashboards from MERC that depict advanced coursework participation across K-12 in the MERC region and Virginia. Listen to learn more about how these dashboards inform the work of local educators and click here to access the dashboards.
How can we increase access to student mental health services in K-12 schools?
In this episode we spoke with Dr. Julie Ellis (Bridging Communities Regional Career and Technical Center/Governor’s STEM Academy), Dr. Maggie Hartley (The National WWII Museum in New Orleans), Dr. Therese O’Dea (New Kent County Public Schools), Dr. Kate Puschak (Loudon County Public Schools) & Dr. Erin Sturgis (Virginia Department of Education)about strategies for staffing K-12 schools for student mental health supports.
Why is it important to support mental health in schools?
Among the critical functions of K-12 schools, they are positioned to support the mental health needs of their students, faculty, staff, and families. To discuss how the research on this topic relates to everyday practice, we spoke with Patrice Beard(Mental Health Liaison for the Center for Family Involvement at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Partnership For People with Disabilities), Laura Early (Coordinator of Psychological and Diagnostic Services in Chesterfield County Public Schools), Amy Johnson (Student Support and Wellness Specialist in Henrico County Public Schools), Matt Shenker (Head of Experience for Pathly, Inc), Erica Daniels (School Counselor at Vernon Johns Middle School in Petersburg City Public Schools), and Felicia Friend-Harris (School Psychologist and Lead Educational Diagnostician for Richmond Public Schools). Hosted by David Naff (MERC Associate Director and former High School Counselor).
How has COVID-19 impacted the mental health of PK-12 students?
Authors of a recent systematic literature review discuss their findings related to the mental health impacts of COVID-19 on PK-12 students. Guests include David Naff (MERC Associate Director at Virginia Commonwealth University), Jenna Darby (Research and Evaluation Specialist in Chesterfield County Public Schools), Shenita Williams (Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at Virginia Commonwealth University), and Melissa Yeung (Student Services Coordinator for the School of Physical Therapy at Bowling Green State University).