REL Appalachia @ SRI International: Partnering with State and Local Stakeholders to Use Data and Research to Improve Student Outcomes

Jessica Mislevy, PhD (Principal Education Researcher) - SRI International, REL Appalachia

SRI International leads the U.S. Department of Education-administered Regional Educational Laboratory Appalachia, serving Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia, partnering with state and local stakeholders to use data and research to improve student outcomes and support a more evidence-reliant education system. This presentation will provide the opportunity for participants to learn more about SRI International projects and services.


Owning Their Learning:  How Chesterfield Schools are Using Action Research to Understand and Promote  Student-Led Assessments to the School Division

Tinkhani White (School Improvement Specialist, CCTC Hull), Autumn Nabors (Curriculum Coordinator, CCTC Hull), Derek Wasnock (Principal, Robious Middle School), Janet Garland (Dean of Students, Robious Middle School), and Lisa Micou, PhD (Intervention Training Specialist) - Chesterfield County Public Schools 

Chesterfield County Public Schools are engaged in research surrounding student-led assessments.  Three classrooms were involved in Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles examining student self-reflection of proficiency against learning targets. By the last cycle, students were showing more comfort and understanding of their own learning. This presentation will explore the findings and implications of these action research studies. 


Creating the Capacity and Culture of Data Use for Effective School Improvement​

Patty Fox (Research Specialist, CCTC Hull)  - Chesterfield County Public Schools, Lisa Abrams, PhD (Associate Professor, Foundations of Education) - VCU School of Education

This presentation examines the implementation of professional development for administrators and classroom teachers to enhance data use to effect school improvement.  Broad applications of the model will be described using tools, protocols and practical examples at school and classroom levels.  Considerations for how to support teachers and administrators to use a variety of assessment and record data to inform instructional and policy decisions will be discussed.