ESSA Resources

The following is a list of resources that may be helpful in understanding the impact of the Every Student Succeeds Act.

A Union of Professionals – Every Student Succeeds Act: A New Day in Public Education. This site provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding standards, assessments, and accountability; English language learners; teachers; paraprofessionals; charters; equity and funding; and timelines under ESSA.

Council of Chief State School Officers’ Major provisions of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) related to the education of English learners This report provides details of ESSA regarding services provided to English language learners.

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): ESSA implementation resources for educators. Created by ASCD, this website provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding accountability under the new ESSA guidelines. This site provides information on criteria states will use to create accountability systems, weight of each criteria, how schools will be identified as in need of improvement, and testing of subgroups of students.

National Conference of State Legislatures Summary of the Every Student Succeeds Act, Legislation Reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Explains the information contained in most of the titles of ESSA.

National Education Association: ESSA implementation begins. This website contains a list of linked PDF documents, which provide information on numerous topics regarding ESSA guidelines.

ProExam Blog: Where are we with ESSA’s non-academic factors. This blog post contains information on the non-academic factors required to assess schools under the new ESSA guidelines. The author provides links to other reports on non-academic factors.

Promising changes for special education under ESSA. This post on the NEA Today site explains changes for special needs students under ESSA.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): A comprehensive guide. This site provides an overview of ESSA. It shows the information contained within each Title and provides links to descriptions of laws that are referenced within ESSA.

The Every Student Succeeds Act: An ESSA overview. This post is part of the Education Week website. The author provides a brief breakdown of ESSA guidelines.

TNTP accountability under ESSA: How states can design systems that advance equity and opportunity. This website contains a downloadable report explaining how states can implement systems of accountability.

Virginia Department of Education Every Student Succeeds Act. This resource explains the steps Virginia is taking to comply with ESSA. The PDF documents found at the bottom of the page provide helpful information comparing NCLB and ESSA for each Title of the Act.

United States Department of Education: Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This website contains links to documents issued by the United States Department of Education regarding ESSA, including the template for state-determined accountability plans and communication from the secretary of education.

United States Department of Education: Every Student Succeeds Act State and Local Report Card Non-regulatory Guidance. This document details the required elements for state and local education agency school report cards.