MERC Literacy Study
How can we support student literacy in Virginia schools?
Commissioned by the MERC Policy and Planning Council in the spring of 2025, this MERC study will explore implementation of the Virginia Literacy Act. Click below to access reports and resources from this study.
Understanding the Virginia Literacy Act
This research and policy brief offers an overview of the Virginia Literacy Act. It is structured to explore the following questions: 1) What are the recent trends in reading achievement in Virginia? 2) What are the policy implications of the VLA for Virginia school divisions? 3) What does the research say about Science of Reading (SoR)? 4) What core instructional programs are approved to meet the VLA? It concludes with a series of key takeaways and recommendations.
All quantitative studies from MERC include dashboards for users to interact with local survey and outcome data to ask and answer their own questions. Dashboards produced from this study will be posted here. View recent examples of MERC dashboards related to mental health support and advanced coursework access.
Understanding the Virginia Literacy Act
In this episode of Abstract, we discussed the Virginia Literacy Act with Taylor Snow from Henrico County Public Schools, Jennifer McSweeny from the Virginia Literacy Partnerships at the University of Virginia, and Valerie Robnolt, Kim Bridges, and Mike Crusco from the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Education. We discussed a recent MERC research and policy brief providing an overview of relevant trends, literature, and policies pertaining to the Virginia Literacy Act and discussed the implications at the state and local level.
Additional podcast episodes from this study will be posted to this feed.
Understanding the Virginia Literacy Act
This MERC seminar explores the Virginia Literacy Act, including a summary of findings from our research and policy brief on the VLA (linked below) as well as an example of how the VLA has been implemented in a local school division. Featuring Joan Rhodes, Kim Bridges, Mike Crusco, Suzanne Alexandre, and David Naff from the VCU School of Education and Taylor Snow from Henrico County Public Schools.
The research design for the MERC literacy study is currently under development by the research and study team and will be posted in the summer of 2025 after approval by the MERC Policy and Planning Council.
Meleah Ellison, Research and Evaluation Associate, VCU Institute for Collaborative Research & Evaluation
Michelle Hicks, Visiting Assistant Professor, Special Education
Amy Jefferson, Adjunct Faculty, Teaching and Learning
Meera Mehtaji, Associate Professor, Special Education
David Naff, MERC Director, Research, Assessment, and Evaluation, Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium
Joan Rhodes, Associate Professor, Early/Elementary and Reading Education Faculty
Jamelle Simmons, Research and Evaluation Associate, VCU Institute for Collaborative Research & Evaluation
Val Robnolt, Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning
Shelby Garofalo, EdD Student in Leadership
Isaiah Moore, PhD Student in Education Leadership, Policy, and Justice
Janel Miley, EdD Student in Leadership
Meredith Dean, PhD Student in Educational Psychology
Jennifer Askue-Collins, PhD Student in Special Education/TTAC
Katherine Urban, EdD Student in Leadership
Ahmed Abbas, Undergraduate Student in Psychology
Amber Butler, VCU T/TAC Elem. Program Specialist
Audrina Farrar, EdD Student in Leadership
Mysia Perry, EdD Student in Leadership
Janet Raychouni, EdD Student in Leadership
Tara Willging, PhD Student in Curriculum, Culture, and Change
Maggie Szydlowski, EdD Student in Leadership
Vivian Medina-Messner, PhD Student in Art Education
Chesterfield County Schools
Madison Kilgore, Reading Specialist
Randi Smith, Elementary Principal
Karen Hoover, Division Elementary Literacy Curriculum Specialist
Goochland County Public Schools
Hanover County Public Schools
Henrico County Public Schools
Kendall Hunt, District ELA Specialist
Courtney Henry, Elementary Reading Specialist
Richmond City Public Schools
Cassandra Bell, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Tanji Wyatt, ELA Reading Specialist K-5
Megan Crowe, Reading Coach, Chimborazo
MERC Literacy Study Badge
Participants on the MERC Literacy Study team will receive a digital badge to certify their participation. Earners will have engaged with current empirical research related to supporting literacy in PK-12 schools and have actively engaged in the design or execution of the MERC community-engaged research study on this topic in close collaboration with colleagues from the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Education as well as PK-12 school divisions in the metropolitan Richmond region. Earners will be familiar with the rationale behind the Virginia Literacy Act, the Science of Reading framework, and key takeaways from locally collected and analyzed data on this topic.