Indicators, Trends and Promising Interventions: Review of Literature

Sept. 1, 2010

The focus of this review of literature is dropout prevention and promoting retention of students at the secondary level. Brief background information is presented summarizing the history and current state of dropouts in the United States, including...

Indicators, Trends, and Promising Interventions in Dropout Prevention: A Review of Literature

by Donna J. Dockery, Risha Berrt (September 2010)

The focus of this review of literature is dropout prevention and promoting retention of students at the secondary level. Brief background information is presented summarizing the history and current state of dropouts in the United States, including graduation and dropout rates and how these rates are calculated. Several of the most significant factors associated with students who dropout are described, in order to assist schools identify students who may be at risk for dropping out. Current trends in dropout research are reviewed, as well as recommended interventions.

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