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Strategies for Addressing Chronic Absenteeism in the Post Pandemic Era

July 5, 2023 |

A blue cover for a research brief focused on strategies addressing chronic absenteeism in the post pandemic era. The photo includes an empty classroom image.

Although chronic absenteeism has been an enduring concern in PK-12 schools, it has doubled since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. To explore strategies for addressing this issue, this MERC research and policy brief answers five questions: 1) What are trends in chronic absenteeism pre and post-pandemic?, 2) What factors contribute to chronic absenteeism and which student groups are particularly vulnerable? 3) What are the connections between chronic absenteeism and other student outcomes? 4) What strategies are effective in reducing chronic absenteeism?, and 5) What are policies at the state and school board level intended to help address chronic absenteeism? It concludes with key takeaways and recommendations for addressing chronic absenteeism in the post-pandemic era.