MERC Reports

Much of MERC’s research work is disseminated through published reports. This includes full reports on the findings of out empirical research studies, literature reviews, white papers, and research briefs.

Our most recent publications are available on our website, however, you may access all of MERC’s publications through VCU’s Scholar’s Compass.


MERC Triangles

Who Takes Dual Enrollment Classes? A Research Brief

March 31, 2022

This research brief includes peer reviewed scholarship, policies, and news stories related to cell phones and schools....

MERC Triangles

Teacher Retention Policy Coherence: An Analysis of Policies and Practices Across Federal, State, and Division Levels

Jan. 12, 2022

This report analyzes the coherence of federal, state, and division level policies guiding teacher retention in metropolitan Richmond

MERC Triangles

Will They Stay or Will They Go? Analysis of the 2019 VDOE Working Conditions Survey

Aug. 9, 2021

This report explores data from the 2019 VDOE teacher working conditions survey

MERC Triangles

The School Principal and Teacher Retention

Aug. 9, 2021

This report from the MERC Teacher Retention study explores the role of the school principal in teacher retention

MERC Triangles

Digital Equity in the Time of COVID: Student Use of Technology for Equitable Outcomes

July 21, 2021

This report explores equitable digital use and outcomes during COVID-19

MERC Triangles

Analyzing Advanced Placement (AP): Making the Nation's Most Prominent College Preparatory Program More Equitable

April 13, 2021

This report explores racial and socioeconomic equity in Advanced Placement (AP) programs

MERC Triangles

Digital Equity in the Time of COVID-19: The Access Issue

Dec. 4, 2020

This report explores racial and socioeconomic equity in Advanced Placement (AP) programs

MERC Triangles

Dual Language Programming: A Model to Enhance School Climate and Academic Achievement in Diverse Schools

Oct. 20, 2020

This policy brief summarizes research and data on English learners (ELs) in Virginia and current dual language (DL) education policies and practices....

MERC Triangles

Unpacking "Giftedness" - Research and Strategies for Promoting Racial and Socioeconomic Equity

Oct. 13, 2020

This report explores: 1) What does it mean to be "gifted?" 2) Who receives gifted services? 3) Why does this mater? 4) What factors contribute to disparities in gifted services? and 5) What strategies help to address disparities in gifted education?...

MERC Triangles

Supporting Student Mental Health During and After COVID-19

Aug. 25, 2020

This report offers a rapid review of research about supporting student mental health during and after COVID-19...

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