MERC Reports

Much of MERC’s research work is disseminated through published reports. This includes full reports on the findings of out empirical research studies, literature reviews, white papers, and research briefs.

Our most recent publications are available on our website, however, you may access all of MERC’s publications through VCU’s Scholar’s Compass.


MERC Triangles

Review of Literature: Teaching Evaluation

March 1, 2013

This review of the literature on teacher evaluation was developed at the invitation of the MERC Policy and Planning Council in context of the current focus on teacher evaluation in Virginia. Consequently, in this document, high priority was accorded...

MERC Triangles

Online Learning in Virginia: Exploring the Landscape

March 1, 2012

As online learning in the K‐12 realm grows, so does the body of literature around it. Books, guidance documents and empirical research in the area are proliferating. What follows is by no means intended to be a complete review of the literature...

MERC Triangles

Percentile Growth Modeling

Nov. 1, 2011

In the following, I will commence by briefly considering the policy context from which the discussion of rewards and performance has emerged. I then touch on the emergence of the current emphasis on teacher quality, and some of the key issues involve...

MERC Triangles

Self-Regulated Learning in the Classroom

Oct. 11, 2011

Self-regulated learning (SLR) is recognized as an important predictor of student academic motivation and achievement. This process requires students to independently plan, monitor, and assess their learning. However, few students naturally do this...

MERC Triangles

Teacher Evaluation: Artifacts

Sept. 1, 2011

Developed by the Virginia Department of Education, the Virginia Standards for the Professional Practice of Teachers (2011) includes seven teacher performance standards that define what teachers should know and be able to do. The seven performance...

MERC Triangles

Indicators, Trends and Promising Interventions: Review of Literature

Sept. 1, 2010

The focus of this review of literature is dropout prevention and promoting retention of students at the secondary level. Brief background information is presented summarizing the history and current state of dropouts in the United States, including...

MERC Triangles

Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

June 1, 2010

The overall purpose of this project was to conduct a program evaluation of services provided to students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) across all school divisions within the Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium (MERC). Two phases of...

MERC Triangles

Reading Strategies for Middle and High School Students: A Review of Literature

March 1, 2009

This review targets “best practices” in adolescent reading instruction. While writing is inextricably related to reading, this review did not explicitly target studies of writing. However, where writing studies informed reading instruction, they were...

MERC Triangles

Classroom Assessment Practices

Oct. 1, 2008

Assessment is becoming increasingly important in classrooms as school systems respond to federal and state testing mandates. The increasing emphasis on assessment surely impacts student outcomes such as engagement and motivation, and ultimately...

MERC Triangles

On-Time College Graduation: A School/University Collaborative Study

Sept. 1, 2008

In the face of international comparisons showing the lower level of academic skills of students in the United States, high schools have been criticized for not adequately preparing their graduates for the academic demands of college life. This is...

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