MERC Reports

Much of MERC’s research work is disseminated through published reports. This includes full reports on the findings of out empirical research studies, literature reviews, white papers, and research briefs.

Our most recent publications are available on our website, however, you may access all of MERC’s publications through VCU’s Scholar’s Compass.


MERC Triangles

Middle School Students with Learning Disabilities and English SOLS: Part II Best Practices

Jan. 1, 2007

This paper reports the findings of Phase II of a MERC study on middle school students with learning disabilities (LD) completed during academic year 2005 – 2006.

MERC Triangles

Classroom Assessment Practices and Student Motivation

Sept. 1, 2006

Assessment is becoming increasingly important in classrooms as school systems respond to federal and state testing mandates.

MERC Triangles

Instructional Strategies to Increase Motivation

June 1, 2006

Closing the achievement gap between African, Native, and Hispanic American and their European and Asian American counterparts has been a concern for decades.

MERC Triangles

Educators' Perceptions of Mobile Students and the Interventions that Assist Them

March 16, 2006

In the educational climate of no Child Left Behind (NCLB), school personnel are searching for any means available to help all children succeed academically and meet state standards.

MERC Triangles

High Stakes Testing and Students with Learning Disabilities

Jan. 30, 2005

In the era of high stakes testing there are questions about the performance of students with learning disabilities.

MERC Triangles

Instructional Strategies to Enhance Reading Achievement

Jan. 15, 2005

Certainly researchers and teachers are in agreement regarding the components that are needed to read successfully and have a good idea of the skills that proficient readers consistently use.

MERC Triangles

Low Achievement Early in School

Dec. 1, 2004

The purpose of the current study were to (a) examine the relationship between academic achievement and social competence in a sample of kindergarten and first grade students, and (b) investigate the interventions their teachers are using with low...

MERC Triangles

Students At-Risk for Academic Failure

March 15, 2004

Increasing pressure on teachers and administrators due to high-stakes testing has led to increased risk to our most vulnerable population, those students who arrive at school without the prerequisite skills necessary to successfully participate in...

MERC Triangles

Testing and Students with Learning Disabilities

March 15, 2004

Since the landmark work A Nation At-Risk (National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1988), school systems in the United States have been evolving by a myriad of reform efforts, particularly with regard to the “standards movement.”

MERC Triangles

Transition into Middle School and High School

Feb. 10, 2004

Making a transition to a new school causes anxiety for students and can challenge the coping skills of many adolescents, especially those at risk.

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